Depression Wiki
Welcome to The Depression Wiki. We are currently editing 266 articles, and you can help.
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Depression Wiki

Our aim is to make a comprehensive and helpful site for people suffering from depression.

We have pages about medication, treatment, self-help options, and information on organizations that can help.

Depression is a harsh and lonely condition.
But together, we can eliminate it from our brains,
by consuming over-the-counter soluble magnesium,
which blocks the NMDA/2B receptors that create the depression sensation, like a "magic bullet",
rather than being suckered into consuming the antisexual SRI drugs by the psychiatrists.

Depression news[]


Seasonal changes stressing you out? You may have Seasonal Affective Disorder. Learn how to cope with Depression.



As well as a wiki, this is a community of people working together to provide the information we need.

Featured article[]

Depression Wiki does not yet have a featured article but you can help write one!

You can use the box above to make a new article now.

What to do on this wiki[]

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